Artist Bio Doug Dourgarian
This artist bio is a direct result of feedback I received from many owners of my artwork. They simply wanted some basic background information to accompany their purchase. If you need more information or just have a question, I’ll be happy to respond.
My formal education in photography began in 1972 with Journalism Photography at the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater. While at Whitewater I worked weekends for Feld Photography located near the shores of Lake Michigan and shot nearly 100 weddings for them. Ron and Bonnie Feld were the inspiration for me to pursue my artistic talents in a professional manner by generously sharing their knowledge and taking me to seminars and workshops to study the new types of photography hitting the market at that time. On one memorable day we attended a class presented by the late Monte Zuker, arguably the best instructor of portrait and wedding photography in the nation.
On my own time I spent hundreds of hours perfecting my black and white darkroom abilities including processing large format 8x10 inch sheet film from a gigantic camera that I used on landscapes. Looking back its hard to believe how much I hauled around those large, heavy film cameras in 35mm, 120, 220, 4x5 and even the 8x10 but that was the only way to take pictures at the time.
When I became aware of the digital photography phenomenon in 1993 I attended some of the very first digital photo workshops in San Francisco. The experience transformed my feelings on photography forever. Digital photography had not reached the mainstream market until years later but from the beginning it was easy for me to see the potential of this new medium.
To continue my photographic education I attend seminars and workshops presented by the best photographers from the US, Australia, and Europe. Again I looked up Monte Zucker for instruction and he was on the cutting edge of the digital photography revolution taking over the industry. He was a great teacher and I always benefited from his knowledge that he presented in such a lively manner. One day after class I asked him if he would take my portrait. He said of yes, of course, and to my astonishment on the spot he had me sit down and pose. Here is the resulting picture from that session that I will always treasure.

Today all my camera work is digital and my "darkroom" is my computer. Often I’m asked if I use Adobe’s Photoshop and I don’t, but I do use about four other software products not nearly as well known but specially geared for my purposes. The technique you see on my art today is the result of years of experimenting and I call it Brush Stroke Photography because of the resemblance to hand painted media. I hope you like my artwork as much as I enjoy creating it.
This online art gallery was started so that I could showcase my own art gallery but also feature some of the wonderful art that has influenced me over the years. Please look around and enjoy.
More Information on Doug
Doug's Art Gallery
The Doug Dourgarian art gallery on line of shoes, landscapes, famous landmarks, and wine art.
Brush Stroke Photography
Brush Stroke Photography describes my artwork that begins as a photograph that I transform into pleasing, colorful artwork.
Guaranteed Returns and Exchanges
Purchase information, returns, privacy, and shipping information on Doug's artwork.
Discount Picture Frames
These framing tips include ideas for using discount picture frames to make artwork prints look their best.
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Artist Bio Doug Dourgarian